Thursday, August 10, 2017

Africa Does Not need Melinda Gates' Contraception Project

8 Tools for Coping with Miscarriage

8 Tools for Coping with Miscarriage

Emotions You May Feel:
It’s normal to feel an array of emotions after a pregnancy loss. These emotions can range from but are not limited to: sadness, numbness, shock, depression, anger, disbelief, a sense of failure, and vulnerability.

The first thing to remember during this time is that it’s OK to feel these emotions.

Second, the loss of pregnancy isn’t your fault; complications can happen to any woman.

Some women experience physical symptoms while dealing with their emotional distress. You might experience fatigue, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and loss of appetite. There are hormonal changes that occur after a miscarriage, and this can intensify these emotions.

Some Things You Can Do:
  • Grief and loss are different for everyone, and the time it will take to heal will vary depending on the person. Give yourself time to heal.
  • You may need a chance to process what happened and how you feel. Taking time off of work can be a good way to give yourself time to understand your loss.
  • Sharing your stories with others can actually help you heal with your loss. It may feel painful to talk about, but people can help you not feel alone in this situation. Not everyone will have the right response to your news because he or she hasn’t been through it, but it’s about not keeping the pain to yourself regardless of how someone responds to the news.
  • Try to not close yourself off from others. You don’t have to tell everyone; you can just share your news to a few close friends.
  • Your partner may be coping and reacting in a different way than you are.
  • It’s important to remember that everyone grieves differently. Men, on average, react differently from women when it comes to grief and loss. He may be keeping his feelings inside instead of dealing openly with his loss with others.
Where You Can Get Support:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Study finds gender imbalance in children born to Indo-Canadian women

Study finds gender imbalance in children born to Indo-Canadian women
Karen Howlett
Fewer girls than boys are born to Indian women who immigrate to Canada, a skewed pattern driven by families whose mother tongue is Punjabi, according to a new study.
One of the most surprising findings of the study, to be published Monday in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, is that the preference for boys does not diminish, regardless of how long women from India have lived in Canada.

“It’s counterintuitive,” said Marcelo Urquia, a research scientist at the University of Manitoba’s Centre for Health Policy and lead author of the study. “We know that the longer immigrants are in Canada, the more likely they are to align to the host country.”

But for many Indian immigrants who express a strong desire for sons, the study found, the practice of sex selection remains entrenched. Women who already have two female children are most at risk for abortions in the second trimester, when parents can learn the sex of the fetus. The study builds on previous research led by Dr. Urquia that found a deficit in Canada of more than 4,400 girls over two decades.
The latest study shows that women born in India who already have two daughters gave birth to 192 baby boys in Ontario for every 100 girls. The sex ratios are so distorted, they cannot be explained by natural causes, Dr. Urquia said. Across the globe, by comparison, the odds of having a boy over a girl are slightly higher: 107 boys for every 100 girls.
The preference for boys among many Indian immigrants reveals underlying gender inequities and will not change without intervention, Dr. Urquia said.
Amanpreet Brar, a third-year medical student at the University of Toronto who worked on the study, said gender-selection abortion was talked about openly in India’s Punjab province, where she grew up, but she was surprised to learn that it also happens in Canada.
Ms. Brar, who immigrated to Canada with her family when she was 14, remembers the traditional celebration called a Lohri in India for celebrating the birth of a boy.
“It was rare to hear about a girl’s birth being celebrated,” she said.
But some steps have been taken in Canada to end gender-based customs and celebrate the birth of girls. In Brampton, Ont., where 40 per cent of the population is South Asian, one hospital has started handing out Ladoos, a sugary Indian sweet, when a baby girl is born, Ms. Brar said. Traditionally in India, Ladoos were just for moms who delivered boys.
The study analyzed 46,834 birth records for Indian-born mothers who delivered up to three live births in Ontario hospitals between April, 1993, and March, 2014, and who immigrated to Canada between 1985 and 2012. Mothers who gave birth to twins or triplets were excluded. The study also looked at the mother’s birth place, her mother tongue and how long she had been in Canada.
Among all the mothers having their third child, nearly twice as many males were born compared with females if the previous two children were girls. The ratio was even higher among women whose mother tongue was Punjabi: 240 boys to 100 girls. The ratio of males to females did not differ according to when women arrived in Canada.
In India, the ratio of male to female newborns varies considerably, with several northern states consistently showing numbers that favour boys, the study says. The practice of sex selection is not widespread across India but it is prevalent, said Kripa Sekhar, executive director of the South Asian Women’s Centre in Toronto.
“Many members of the community welcome a girl child,” she said. “It’s a small minority of the community in Canada that still practises this.”
A woman has a fundamental right in Canada to decide whether to have an abortion, and should not come under pressure from a spouse or other family members to deliver a male child, Ms. Sekhar said.
“This is an issue of choice that is taken away from a woman,” she said. “In many ways it is very abusive.”
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Also on The Globe and Mail

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Liberals not opening abortion debate, Justice Minister says (The Canadian Press)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Some women stay away from Women's March over abortion issue

Bloggers note: the long reach of the PP Abortion industry....


Some women stay away from Women's March over abortion issue

Melissa Linebaugh was looking forward to taking part in the Women’s March on Washington with her mother and her 9-year-old daughter.

A self-described Christian liberal from Dover, Pa., she was horrified by President Trump’s rhetoric toward women and minorities during the campaign. This was their chance, she thought, to stand with other women in support of a more inclusive and equal world.
Then she read that the organizers had refused to partner with a group of antiabortion feminists. Would she, Linebaugh wondered, be welcome? 

“As liberal as I am,” she said, “my one real issue that I struggle with is abortion.”

She was not alone. Across the United States, many women who oppose abortion decided to stay away from the marches planned in Washington and around the country Saturday. 

Others said that they would march anyway, though in some cases it would be to protest what they see as the outsized influence of abortion providers on the women’s movement.

Not sure of what to do, Linebaugh turned to the march’s Facebook page, where a debate was raging between those who support and those who oppose abortion rights. The vitriol she saw in some of the posts stunned her.

“The pro-life stance reduces women to nothing more than walking incubators,” one defender of abortion rights wrote. 

“The Pro Life movement has tried to destroy Roe v. Wade ever since it was upheld by the Supreme Court!” another wrote, referring to the 1973 decision that legalized the procedure nationwide. “Absolutely they should not be a part of the Women's March.”

Linebaugh was crushed. Why couldn’t these women see that “everybody could be together for the same cause and still have and respect different viewpoints?”

“I sat there and literally cried.”

The ruckus began when the Atlantic reported Monday that the march organizers had recognized the New Wave Feminists, a Dallas-based antiabortion group, as one of hundreds of official partners. Hours later, the organizers issued a statement apologizing for “this error” and dropped the group from the list.

“The Women’s March platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one,” the statement said. 

Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, head of the New Wave Feminists, said she wasn’t offered an explanation for the reversal but believes that the organizers caved in to pressure from the “pro-choice feminist community.”

“I understand that when you say ‘pro-life,’ people assume bullhorns and bloody fetus signs,” she said, but added that her group takes a very different approach.  

“While we are a pro-life group, we do not work to make abortion illegal,” she said. “We work to make it unthinkable and unnecessary by loving women and serving them well enough that they would never feel the need to turn to abortion.”

Herndon-De La Rosa said she was heartened by an outpouring of support on social media from women who support abortion rights but were disappointed at the organizers’ decision and wanted groups like hers to feel welcome.

When thousands of women take to the streets of the nation’s capital Saturday, she plans to be there, and she has encouraged other women to march too.

“We have so many things in common, fighting domestic abuse and human trafficking and just oppression worldwide,” she said.
Heidi L. Sieck, a cofounder of the #VOTERPROCHOICE campaign who helped put together the march’s policy platform, said, “There was never a moment that this march wasn’t about reproductive freedoms.

Friday, January 20, 2017

ABORTION PILL Now Available as Canada Rolls the dice on women's health

Long-awaited abortion pill Mifegymiso makes Canadian debut

The Globe and Mail