Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Decline in Women’s Health and Well-being Canada has, in so many ways, dramatically changed since the 1970s.

Bloggers note:  Resuming this Blog after a high demand, THANK YOU for those who Ask !!

 Taken from : https://realwomenofcanada.ca/the-decline-in-womens-health-and-well-being/

The Decline in Women’s Health and Well-being Canada has, in so many ways, dramatically changed since the 1970s.

 Many of these changes have, in many instances, been detrimental to the health and well-being of women compared to men. 

This is evidenced by Statistics Canada’s most recent comprehensive publication entitled, “The Health of Girls and Women in Canada” (March 8, 2016). It explores a variety of mental disorders experienced by women including schizophrenia, psychotic, mood, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, all of which are increasing at a concerning rate. 

There are several changes to society which have significantly contributed this problem. 1. Changed Patterns of Sexual Behaviour A change in sexual behaviour called “hooking-up” seems to be one of the causes of these mental disorders. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “hook-ups” are defined as “brief, uncommitted sexual encounters between people who are not romantic partners or dating each other”. 


 The culture of casual sexual encounters has replaced the traditional practice of dating, friendship, courting and ultimately stable marriage. Problems for women caused by hook-ups include anxiety and depression.


 The substitution of hook-ups for the traditional cultural practices of dating and courtship has also led to pessimism among young women about their future, fearing they will not find a lasting, stable, trustworthy romantic relationship. Simply put, many young women (and men) engaging in hook-ups are jaded and skeptical about the prospects of a long-term commitment, marriage and parenthood. 

According to recent studies, between 69% to 75% of university students engage in hook-up encounters. This indicates the gravity of the problem. There appears to be a gender difference in reaction to hook-up experiences. Women frequently experience embarrassment, loss of self-respect, and shame at being used. Males, however, are more likely to regret the choice of the sexual partner. According to the Journal of Sex Research (October 7, 2015), engaging in hook-ups and the number of hook-ups is related to symptoms of depression and anxiety. 


 A New Zeeland study published on February 12, 2013, by PubMed, entitled “The Relationship Between Multiple Sex Partners and Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Dependence Disorders: A Cohort Study” reported that multiple hook-up experiences were associated with increasing risk of substance dependence disorder. Despite these findings, feminists have encouraged women to participate in the hook-up culture, on the basis that men and women are equal in every way including sexuality. 

 Feminists ignore the fact that males have a more casual approach to their sexuality, in that emotion and commitment to their partner is not necessarily an important aspect of their sexual encounters.

 On the other hand, women engaging in sex tend to be more emotionally involved with the encounter, and usually prefer commitment from the sexual partner. Feminists consistently support the male approach to sexuality, because it “empowers” women—providing them with sexual freedom without emotional attachments which may interfere with their priority of pursuing a successful career.

 2. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) in Women According to a report prepared by the Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control by the Public Health Agency of Canada, released on November 18, 2020, although there was a sustained decline of syphilis in Canada in the 1990s, it began to increase in the early 2000s. The syphilis rate has reached its highest point in this decade. Between 2008 and 2017, the rate of infectious syphilis increased nationally by 167%. Female syphilis cases tend to occur in younger women, during their fertile years. 


 Unfortunately, syphilis during pregnancy can lead to adverse outcomes for the unborn child, including miscarriage, still-births and infant deaths. In addition to problems during pregnancy, a woman with syphilis experiences not only physical health problems, but also psycho-social repercussions. 3. Work Stress on Women In a U.S. poll conducted by Morning Consult between February 20 to 23, 2024, and entitled “Women in the Workforce”, one in two employed women had experienced burn-out during the previous month. This burn-out was more common among women with children at home. 


These findings would likely be duplicated in Canada. Men also experienced burn-out, but less frequently than women. The hoped for “work-home balance” for most women is difficult if not impossible to achieve. Women who combine employment in the workplace with family responsibilities at home, experience increased problems both physically and mentally. The fact is that there are more choices for women today, but this has created a downside of exhaustion for many women. Their efforts to achieve success in the workplace while raising families can lead to disappointment because the reality of their lives is that they cannot reach the expectations of paid employment declared by feminists who promote it as fulfilling and enriching.


 “Having it all” for women has become a tyrannical insistence on impossible perfection that few women can attain.[1] a. Feminists’ Failure to Provide Assistance Feminists have dominated the policies affecting women for decades but have failed to insist on changes to reduce the pressures on women who try to combine workplace with family responsibilities. The feminist way is not to discuss and persuade, but to impose their policies for the “good” of women, whether women want or need them. Consequently, flexible work hours and other structural changes required to accommodate women in the workplace, especially those with children, have been ignored. 


One such helpful policy for women has been developed in the Netherlands. This policy provides an option for women to work only two or three days a week instead of the usual five-day work week. Most businesses in the Netherlands offer this flexible working schedule, which is especially helpful for mothers with young children. Women reduce the rhythm of their professional careers for some years, and gradually resume full-time paid work when their children are older. 

As a result of this policy, 70% of Dutch women do not work full-time. Most believe that this policy is useful in securing a stable base for infants especially, enabling a secure bond with a parent’. b. Every Woman is Unique Individual women, just like individual men, are unique because of their differing cultural, educational, religious, and social backgrounds. As a result, women make different choices in their lives. Some prefer to be employed in the workplace, while others prefer to remain at home full-time to focus on their children and volunteer in their communities. These latter women provide a stable, less hurried household for their families.

 Many women, however, are unable to remain full-time in the home because of financial concerns. There are numerous reasons for this financial pressure, but one of the reasons is the high rate of taxation. 

In Canada, a 2024 study from the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute found that the average Canadian family in 2023 spent more of its income on taxes (41.0%) than it did on basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing combined (35.6%). By comparison, in 1961, 33.5% of the average family’s income went to pay taxes, while 56.5% went to necessities. Obviously, the family has changed since the baseline year of 1961 when most families were single-income families. By 2023, two income families have become the order of the day in Canada. Since taxes are not based on the family as a unit, but on individuals, the latter must carry the significantly increased tax burden. 

Canada on the Cusp of Change Canada is on the cusp of change. Respect for the dignity of Canadian women should be included in these future changes. Women must be free to decide their own individual pathway through life. They should not be forced into specific role models dictated by feminists who regard success for women based solely on their economic worth in the marketplace. Success can have other definitions which must include “remaining at home” raising stable responsible future citizens (and taxpayers!) who are vital for the future of society. 


 Women must have cultural, community, and social support for their choices. Such support must be part of the restructuring of society, which of necessity is rapidly approaching. [1] Ann Hui, Millennial Women Are Not Okay, Globe & Mail, March 29, 2024 November 25th, 2024|Categories: Current Newsletter Articles, News & Views|Tags: Decline in Women's Health and Well-being, Feminists' Failure, Hook-ups, Sexual Behaviour, Sexually Transmitted Disease, STDs, Work Stress on Women


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Women beware: Expropriate attempt of private help centers by Trudeau governing Liberals

 Bloggers note:  Prolife aid to pregnant women " Liberals attempt to EXPROPRIATE help centers for mothers: Here is a reproduction of REAL WOMEN July Newsletter.

Ottawa, Ontario                               July 25, 2022

Pro-Life Movement Under Assault

As part of their 2021 Liberal election platform, Forward. For Everyone. (page 4), Canada’s Liberal Party included a “promise” to:

No longer provide charity status to anti-abortion organizations (for example, Crisis Pregnancy Centres) that provide dishonest counselling to women about their rights and about the options available to them at all stages of the pregnancy.

The platform did not elaborate as to what constitutes “dishonest counselling”, anymore than it did in identifying what constitutes “anti-abortion organizations”, women’s “rights” or “options available”. Could this policy include religious groups such as the Roman Catholic Church or Evangelical Churches which are also “anti-abortion”? If the Liberal party can pass legislation prohibiting religious leaders and religious based counsellors from counselling on sexual orientation and transgenderism (conversion therapy), why not also on abortion?

According to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act, dated September 10, 2021 a “compliance consideration” was made to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requesting a review of the charitable status of pro-life groups. The CRA is governed by both legislation (Income Tax Act) and the common law (in which “charity” is defined) with respect to charitable activity. The CRA correctly pointed out to the Liberals that it audits charities for fraud, i.e. determines whether they are acting outside their mandates, and that to date, have found no evidence of misbehaviour that would cause a pro-life pregnancy support centre to lose its charitable status. The CRA further advised the government that it did not have the authority to look to the philosophy behind the organizations it was auditing.
Further documents obtained under the Access to Information Act indicate that in November 2021 secret meetings had been held in the Departments of Health and Finance, with individuals holding “secret clearances only” status to determine how the Liberal’s platform on abortion would be implemented.

How the Removal of Tax-exempt Status Affects Charities

Unless one is an accountant or lawyer practicing in the area of charity law, most people would think that the loss of “charitable status” simply means that the organization can no longer give receipts to donors for tax purposes. That is only one consequence, and by no means the least. Revocation of charitable status means that the organization must be wound-up (i.e. closed down) so that its legal existence is ended. It means its property must be transferred to another registered charity, or the agency must pay a Revocation Tax.  The Revocation Tax rate is equal to 100% of the value of all remaining assets once outstanding debts have been paid. Clearly, revocation of charitable status is about more than just losing the ability to issue tax receipts for income tax purposes. The effects of revocation would in most cases lead to the closure of pregnancy support centres and deprive women and their unborn child a viable alternative to abortion. It would force current centres to rebuild/reopen as non-profits (but without any of the tax breaks give to a registered charity) in order to carry on their valuable and lifesaving work. All this, of course, will impose addition financial burdens as these groups re-organize and rebuild.

Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland

In the aftermath of the Trudeau Liberals’ charity revocation plans, it is important to note that petitions have been circulated against it. In response to one such petition, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, also a board member of the controversial World Economic Forum (WEF) stated:

“Registered charities that provide reproductive health services are required to provide ACCURATE, JUDGEMENT FREE and EVIDENCE-BASED information to women with respect to their rights and options at all stages of their pregnancy.” [Capitalization in the original.] (https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=441-00106 )

Freeland’s response is an example of the big lie and deliberate misdirection. Women entering abortion clinics are not given “judgement free” advice or information, as they are encouraged to have the abortion. There is no such thing as “judgement free” counselling from such agencies. Their support is predetermined by the fact that they are in the business of providing abortion for their own profit. Freeland is trying to claim a false moral high ground on this matter.

The Reality of the Liberal Abortion Platform

The reality is that Trudeau and his Liberal Party are trying to restrict and destroy access to information about alternatives to abortion provided by the pro-life movement and pregnancy support centres by openly attempting to eliminate their charitable status. It is the pro-life movement and pregnancy support centres however, which provide accurate, evidence-based information. They are the only ones speaking the truth and providing compassionate assistance.

The 2022 Fall Budget

The Fall budget is looming once Parliament reconvenes in September. By then, the Liberals will have had a year to plan their amendments to the Income Tax Act to give effect to their unconstitutional, ideological attack on women and unborn children.

It seems that the Liberal party is no longer recognizable as a “liberal” party. It has degenerated into a socialist woke collective. The Liberals have corrupted our country.

What Must Be Done

·     It is critical that you immediately contact your Member of Parliament (regardless of party) and the Senators about this despicable attempt by the Trudeau government to silence the pro-life voice in Canada.
·     It is urgent that this “Alert” be sent to your acquaintances – family, friends and neighbours – who should be made aware of this incomparable danger to the pro-life movement.
·     Please also write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about this matter. It will widen the circle of knowledge about this disgraceful policy.  
For Family and Life
REAL Women of Canada

Monday, November 18, 2019

‘Contraceptive mentality’ led to LGBT takeover of children’s schools

‘Contraceptive mentality’ led to LGBT takeover of children’s schools

MADRID, November 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah strongly criticized LGBT ideology that he said is overrunning governments and education centers while tracing the ideology to the root of the widespread acceptance of contraception about seven decades ago. 

“The destructuring of sexual identity, which is often called ‘gender theory,’ against which Pope Francis has harsh words and an attitude of absolute intolerance, can be understood as the anthropological consequence of a practical mutation,” said Cardinal Sarah, the Vatican’s Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline, at a Nov. 7 conference at Madrid’s San Pablo University in advance of the 21st Congress of Catholics and Public Life of Spain. His talk was titled “The importance of education in the Church’s mission today.”

Gender theory holds that male or female sexual organs do not determine an individual’s “sexual identity” but a person’s inner sense of being a man, a woman, or whatever it is that a person wants to identify as (dozens of 'gender options' have been invented to help people identify how they feel about themselves). The theory holds, for instance, that a person born with a male organ of reproduction can choose to identify as “female” and that it’s discriminatory not to support the individual’s choice, including the male’s choice to use female pronouns. The theory also holds that a person's "gender identity" is fluid and can change over time. 

“The first link in the process involved women,” Cardinal Sarah continued: “In fact, the contraceptive mentality that has extended strongly after 1950 has made possible a profound disconnection between the woman and her body, a disconnection that has radically changed the way of understanding human sexuality, marriage, filiation and of course education.”

The Catholic Church reaffirmed its condemnation of contraception in the 1968 Encyclical Humanae Vitae. Pope Paul VI prophetically warned that widespread acceptance of contraception would lead to the "general lowering of moral standards" among other things. 

The Cardinal credited French writer Simone de Beauvoir’s phrase “You are not born a woman, you become a woman” as summarizing the essence of gender theory. 

“Let's add that for de Beauvoir, the family, Marriage and motherhood are the source of female ‘oppression’ and dependence. The pill would have ‘freed’ women by giving them ‘control of their body’ and the possibility of ‘freely disposing’ of it. Under the feminist motto ‘my body belongs to me’ a deep alienation of the incarnated subject is actually hidden. In fact, behind this ‘freedom’ statement lies an instrumentalization of the body itself as a material available to the most indeterminate desires,” he said. 

The Cardinal then showed the link between contraception and the distancing of a person from his or her male or female body.

“The contraceptive mentality has engendered a dualism between individual freedom seen as unlimited and almighty, on the one hand, and the body as an instrument of enjoyment, on the other. In that perspective, the sexed body can no longer be lived as a sign and instrument of the gift of self, whose purpose is the communion of the spouses. 

The intrinsic link between the two meanings of the conjugal act, the procreative dimension and the unitive dimension, is broken. This link becomes optional, and logically, sexuality ends up being considered only in its relational and pleasure-producing dimension. The destabilizing effects of such a mentality have not been long in coming,” he added.

The Cardinal noted that one of the major destabilizing effects of the contraceptive mentality was the “social legitimization of homosexuality.”

“In fact, if sexuality is no longer perceived in the light of the gift of life, how can homosexuality be considered a perversion, an objective and serious disorder?” he said. 

Cardinal Sarah said logically accompanying these changes regarding sexuality was a “redefinition of sexual identity, considering it as purely constructed.”

“If the intrinsic link between the two meanings of the conjugal act is denied, the difference between the sexes loses the first foundation of their intelligibility.” From then on, he said, the “sexed body” can more and more be considered as a “material that individual consciousness can model to its liking.”

The Cardinal then explained the mechanism at work as “sexual minorities” publicly demand equality and freedom to live according to their perceived identities. 

“In the name of the fight against the ‘discrimination’ of which the ‘sexual minorities’ would be victims, the agents of the anthropological subversion take the public authorities and the legislator hostage in their revindications. In the name of ‘equality’ and ‘freedom’, they demand that all social discourse, especially in schools and the media, be ‘respectful’ with the sexual indeterminacy of individuals and the free choice of their identity,” he said. 

“Then, each one can affirm that it is by self-designation and proclaim: ‘I make my own choice. I am proud of it and I affirm myself in that choice. I do not admit that another or society tell me what I am. I do not receive my being and my existence from anyone but myself. I decide for myself who I am. Society must assume my choice and adapt to my orientation changes.’”

For the LGBT movement, the Cardinal pointed out, the battle is no longer about “claiming tolerance” but about “imposing a new conception of the human being” and creating a “new” human being. 

“Under the guise of freedom, this deconstruction at the service of a radical constructivism can be compared with the totalitarian attempts to produce a ‘new man,’” he said. 

“Its innocent victims are mainly children, whose parents, permeable to libertarian slogans and bewitched by contemporary sirens, do not support [authentic] human growth and the formation of their [genuine] sexual affectivity.

 All this presupposes an erroneous conception of freedom, understood as the fact of not being prevented from following your immediate desires. How far we are from true freedom, which is the realization of the person when he uses his free will to seek the truth and choose his true good,” he continued. 

“The anthropological revolution violently disrupts intellectual and moral education, because it creates mental and social dispositions that separate people from themselves,” he added. 

The Cardinal said that Catholics should be aware of the gravity of the crisis, “given the atheist atmosphere or of indifference to religious or moral issues which permeate education and school structures.” What should be understood is that the goal of education is for students to “acquire the virtues that permit them to unfold and structure their humanity and personality in accord with the truth that is intrinsic to them.”

He called for the Church to become more active in defending the truth about man in sectors of civil society where that truth has been abandoned, especially in education. 
“As has been the case several times in history, the Church has a duty to assume a substitute role to compensate for the collapse of entire sectors of civil society and public authorities,” he said. 

“The Church assumes this function of substitution through all its children who are present in this magnificent educational task,” he added. 

‘Dirty and unhealthy’ environment destroys children

Following his presentation, Cardinal Sarah answered questions from participants who are concerned about secular influences upon their children. 

Likening schools to aquariums where fish are regularly fed fresh food, he said, “But the water in the aquarium is dirty and unhealthy.” Despite the good food, he said, the fish are slowly poisoned and eventually perish. In the learning environment, “even while there are well-disposed students and dedicated teachers, there are substances in the environment that are toxic to the students mental health,” said the Cardinal.

When he was asked how the water in the aquarium could be made clean, he said, “What poisons the environment are dangerous ideologies,” citing “marxism” and “transhumanism.” 

He continued, “If we cannot explain who is man, who it is that God wants him to be, logically the aquarium is contaminated.” The water can be cleansed by rediscovering, he said, “the identity of human beings created in the image and likeness of God.” 

“Identity is not something we give,” he said, “God gives it to us.” The West, he said, arrogantly “refuses to accept” that identity.” “The great issue are the economic and media leaders who contaminate the environment concerning the identity of the human person.” This is, he said, “the rejection of God.” 

Asked what the Church should do in an environment where God is excluded, the Cardinal said, “The Church should be the first to combat toxic ideologies.”

The Church, he said, should focus on “the unprecedented anthropological and moral crisis of our time which demands that the Church should assume a greater responsibility and commitment to propose its doctrinal and moral teachings in a clear, precise and firm manner.”

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Resurging debate around abortion could mean policy change is coming The debate in Canada exists in a legal grey area.

Resurging debate around abortion could mean policy change is coming The debate in Canada is complicated by the fact that unlike in the U.S., where abortion rights are protected by law, abortion in Canada exists in a legal grey area.    


For the past 30 years, the debate about abortion in Canada has been simmering on the sidelines.
By and large, Canadians haven't spent much time debating the hugely contentious issue on a large scale. Anti-abortion groups have attempted to bring the issue to the forefront, though their influence on national affairs has remained muted. And, tragically, there have been episodes of violence — including a 1995 sniper-style shooting in Hamilton targeting Dr. Hugh Short, an Ancaster obstetrician-gynecologist who performed abortions.
But despite the controversy around the issue, abortion hasn't been on the table for debate at the national level.

Dr Tina

Today, that seems to be changing.
Canadians have watched as several U.S. states have either taken steps to drastically reduce abortion access or passed legislation that essentially bans the process. Here in Canada, the Conservative party has signalled its hesitance to support abortion rights, including refusing to stand and applaud for a statement in the House affirming a woman's right to choose.
Locally, MPP Sam Oosterhoff, who represents Niagara West for the Doug Ford Conservatives, spoke this spring at an anti-abortion rally, promising to "make abortion unthinkable in our lifetime." The Spectator reached out to Oosterhoff at the time for comment but did not receive a response. Around the same time, high-profile billboards and advertisements on city buses spurred debate about the veracity and appropriateness of pro-abortion ads. Pro-choice protests popped up around Hamilton, including some led by the highly visible, red-cloaked Handmaids.
This month "Unplanned" — an American documentary with a strong anti-abortion message — made headlines with a controversial one-week run in 49 theatres across Canada.
As the debate heats up, will it affect Canadian policy?
The idea that the anti-abortion camp is growing isn't necessarily true, said Tina Fetner, an associate professor of sociology at McMaster University who studies social movements around sexuality. According to 2017 polling data, the majority of Canadians — 77 per cent — say abortion should be permitted.
This poll, consistent with others performed within the last several years, also showed that only 12 per cent of Canadians feel abortions should be banned. Another 24 per cent are willing to accept some restrictions on abortion, but a majority — 53 per cent — want no restrictions on abortion at all.

Today, that seems to be changing.
Canadians have watched as several U.S. states have either taken steps to drastically reduce abortion access or passed legislation that essentially bans the process. Here in Canada, the Conservative party has signalled its hesitance to support abortion rights, including refusing to stand and applaud for a statement in the House affirming a woman's right to choose.
Locally, MPP Sam Oosterhoff, who represents Niagara West for the Doug Ford Conservatives, spoke this spring at an anti-abortion rally, promising to "make abortion unthinkable in our lifetime." The Spectator reached out to Oosterhoff at the time for comment but did not receive a response. Around the same time, high-profile billboards and advertisements on city buses spurred debate about the veracity and appropriateness of pro-abortion ads. Pro-choice protests popped up around Hamilton, including some led by the highly visible, red-cloaked Handmaids.
This month "Unplanned" — an American documentary with a strong anti-abortion message — made headlines with a controversial one-week run in 49 theatres across Canada.
As the debate heats up, will it affect Canadian policy?
The idea that the anti-abortion camp is growing isn't necessarily true, said Tina Fetner, an associate professor of sociology at McMaster University who studies social movements around sexuality. According to 2017 polling data, the majority of Canadians — 77 per cent — say abortion should be permitted.
This poll, consistent with others performed within the last several years, also showed that only 12 per cent of Canadians feel abortions should be banned. Another 24 per cent are willing to accept some restrictions on abortion, but a majority — 53 per cent — want no restrictions on abortion at all.

Fetner says, however, that even though the majority of Canadians support abortion, there's still a chance policy will shift. Just because political parties haven't been willing to tackle the issue in the past doesn't mean they won't feel emboldened by the recent increase in anti-abortion rhetoric.

"The question is whether the Conservative party is more willing to take a risk and enact some policy anyway," says Fetner.
The debate in Canada is complicated by the fact that unlike in the U.S., where abortion rights are protected by law, abortion in Canada exists in a legal grey area. There are no laws prohibiting abortion or guaranteeing access to it.

Within the health care system, however, abortion is strictly regulated.
Hamilton Health Sciences, for example, will perform abortions up to 17 weeks gestation. St. Joseph's Hospital, a Catholic institution, does not perform abortions.
Dr. Dustin Costescu, a family planning specialist in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at McMaster University, says every hospital has its own limits on when it will perform abortions based on gestational age. Roughly 80 per cent of abortions happen within the first trimester.
Ironically, Costescu says, women who need abortions later in their pregnancies (usually due to medical reasons, such as the mother's health or problems with the developing fetus) have to travel to the U.S., as it's virtually impossible to find a practitioner in Canada who will perform abortions after 23 or 24 weeks.
Canadian anti-abortion advocates are watching the situation in the U.S. very closely.
Gwen Landolt is national vice-president and legal council for Real Women of Canada, a group that lobbies against abortion. She says there is a growing frustration among anti-abortion groups about the perceived ability to express their viewpoint.
"We're not allowed to speak out unless we speak in accordance with the politically correct," Landolt says. "I think what we see in the United States is encouraging us to reject this narrowing of freedom of speech."
Though she won't say whether she thinks anti-abortion groups are any closer to meeting their goals, Landolt does expect the issue to "break through," thanks to widespread frustration.
"I think it's going to erupt somewhere, because you can't prevent people from speaking out on any issue."
The growing chorus of anti-abortion sentiment is also mobilizing the pro-choice movement, Fetner says.
"A whole generation of women have grown up thinking their reproductive rights are under their control — now that seems like it's at risk," she said. "It's no surprise to me to see that activism is on the rise on the pro-choice side. It's a very scary time for women."

Monday, June 3, 2019

Out Of The Shadows: A Memoir byTimea Nagy, Shannon Moroney

Out Of The Shadows: A Memoir

5 short videos and photos of the evening presentation 

by paul Lauzon,  Events Photographer

SEE STORY after the photos (at the bottom) 

Human trafficking survivor Timea Nagy is ‘Out of the Shadows’ with new memoir

Nagy’s advocacy work included running Walk With Me in Hamilton

News May 21, 2019 by Nicole O'Reilly The Hamilton Spectator
Timea Nagy_2
Timea Nagy is a human trafficking survivor. - Abbi Longmire
Timea Nagy
"Out of the Shadows" is a memoir by human trafficking survivor Timea Nagy and coauthored by Shannon Moroney. - Penguin Random House Canada
1 / 2 For years, Timea Nagy has been one of the most outspoken advocates in Canada on human trafficking, sharing her own story of being unwittingly trafficked into the sex trade, escaping and then working on the front lines.This included six years running Walk With Me, a Hamilton-based charity that was at the centre of the Domotor-Kolompar human trafficking investigation where she helped rescue 18 men and women. The case involved an extended family that promised victims in Hungary good paying construction jobs in Hamilton only to force them to work for free through threats, isolation and lies.One by one the traffickers pleaded guilty and were eventually deported. The kingpin Ferenc Domotor's nine-year conviction remains longest sentence for a forced labour trafficker in Canada.
Nagy has spoken before the House of Commons, United Nations and countless police, she has won awards and responded to calls to rescue victims at all hours of the night. Yet there is so much more to her story, revealed in her new memoir "Out of the Shadows," co-authored by Shannon Moroney.
"The book is the most honest version of what happened," she said, in an interview with The Spectator. Writing it was "very difficult, very scary . . and healing."

Too often her story has been oversimplified, with Nagy perpetually portrayed in a "victim box," she said. Nobody asked her about what her life was like in Hungary, what made her vulnerable to trafficking and what choices she made.
"I think what's in the book is my real relationship with my mom and how that actually affected me ... affected my decision to come to Canada," she said.

In the book Nagy talks about her upbringing in communist Hungary, her emotionally fraught relationship with her mother, a police officer, and her father leaving the family.
"The truth is victims are flawed and all do things we shouldn't ... people are flawed, but most don't pay such a big price," she said.
The idea to write a memoir had been simmering for a while, especially after meeting her coauthor Moroney, the bestselling author of "Through the Glass" — the story of her late husband's violent crimes and incarceration.

But she didn't want her mom, with whom she had a renewed relationship, reading everything she went through. So Nagy held off, until after her mother's death in 2015.
There were a lot of red flags when 20-year-old Nagy responded to an add looking for Hungarian babysitters in Canada. But she ignored them because she was in serious debt and desperate for money, the book reveals.

Over time Nagy goes from believing she will be a babysitter, to working strip clubs and the sex trade. She was threatened, starved, isolated and taught to fear anyone outside her traffickers and fellow victims.

The girls were told they worked for an "agency" and needed to work off debts owed for their travel and entry in Canada, plus ongoing fees for everything imaginable, including $20 motel towels and $350 weekly oil changes. No matter how long they worked and how much money they brought in the debts only grew.
When she escaped there were no human trafficking laws in Canada and her trafficker in Toronto was charged with sexual assault, but found not guilty.

It would take her years to realize she was a human trafficking victim — a revelation that led her to publicly share her story, and work with victim advocacy.

Police began to hear her story and call her to help victims, including RCMP officers Lepa Jankovic and Husam Farah who called her for help with the Domotor-Kolompar case.
In Hamilton she began working at all hours responding to calls to rescue victims.

At one event where she was a guest speaker she approached afterwards by Hamilton lawyer Rob Hooper and his wife Jill Trites, who has worked in various businesses including church leadership. They helped Nagy make Walk With Me into a real charity, including offering space in Hooper's Hamilton law office.
Walk With Me expanded to operating safe houses, but eventually had to close because of a lack of sustainable funding.
Yet Nagy says her time in Hamilton was where she "ended up growing up."

"The most exhilarating time of my life was in Hamilton," she said, adding that it also taught her there were still good people in the world.

Her work in Hamilton gave her the knowledge to move on to her next venture, a for-profit business Timea's Cause, based in Cambridge, Ont., that includes workshops and other educational opportunities to train everyone from bank employees to police on how to spot human trafficking and deal with victims. She employs survivors in the work, including Timea's Market where they sell handmade bath and beauty products.

Last September Nagy got married in Hooper and Trites's backyard.
While human trafficking remains a complex issue that is widespread in Canada, the country has come a long way with more awareness, stricter laws and some supports for victims.

"There are so many things going wrong with the world, we're so bombarded with bad things ... I want to spread the light," Nagy said. "The light is the love that I got from Canadian people."
Out of the Shadows: a memoir, published by Penguin Random House Canada, is available across North America May 28.

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